my services

handmade grey coffee mug filled with warm tea and cinnamon stick for birth doula consultation

Free Consultation

This brief meeting is for you to get to know me and learn if I would be a good fit for your birth. I will go over my services, read over my contract, and you can ask me any questions you have about the support I offer.

laboring mother giving birth in Fort Wayne Indiana hospital while supported by pregnant birth doula Laura Kiefer

Basic Birth Services Package | $900

This package encompasses 2 prenatal appointments for Birth Vision and Hands-On Support, phone & email support, in-person support from onset of active labor until 1-2 hours after delivery, and 1 brief postnatal appointment.

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ayurvedic postpartum herbal bath used to promote healing postpartum in a jar

Nourishing Birth Services Package | $1000

This package encompasses 2 prenatal appointments for Birth Vision and Hands-On Support, phone & email support, in-person support from onset of active labor until 1-2 hours after delivery, and 1 postnatal appointment with additional postpartum support, including a meal prepared by Asha Hernandez Bailey of Cocina Cura, an Ayurvedic Postpartum Caregiver, and a postpartum herbal bath to promote healing as the body knits back together after birth.

pregnant woman in labor texting birth doula in Fort Wayne Indiana

Phone & Email Support

Once you’ve officially decided to hire me and signed a contract, I’m available for texts, calls, and emails to provide reassurance, answer questions, and offer any support you need prior to or immediately following your birth.

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birth doula giving laboring mother hip squeeze while using a birth ball for support in Fort Wayne Indiana birthing center

What sets Ora Doula Services apart:


I believe getting that face to face time is the best way to build trust, and that trust is essential to feeling at ease during your birth experience. This is why I spend a lot of time with my clients at prenatal appointments. If you see me 3 times before your birth (consultation and 2 appointments) you can expect 5-6 face to face hours with me. In comparison, if you see your provider 12 times during your pregnancy for 15 minutes each time, that’s 3 face to face hours. I take this time because I know what a difference it makes to have a doula that you feel knows you and that you trust to hold space for you during your birth.

As a Doula, I Do Not:

  • I am not a medical provider and do not perform clinical tasks, such as taking blood pressure, fetal heart checks, or vaginal exams. I am there to provide only physical comfort and emotional support and facilitate communication between you, medical staff, and care providers.

  • I can help you get the information you need to make an informed decision, but I will not make decisions for you.

  • I will discuss your concerns with you and suggest options, as well as encourage you and your partner to voice your opinions, questions, and concerns to the staff.

  • Your birth is about you, not me. I am there to support you and your vision for your birth. Whatever you choose, I support. I offer support for all varieties of birth - hospital, birth center, and home; unmedicated, epidural, C-section, and everything in between. No matter how you choose to birth, I can offer support.

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certified birth doula Laura Kiefer in Fort Wayne Indiana

what to expect

  • "I was in labor for over 60 hours when my midwife recommend Laura.

    When she got to my house she helped [my partner] and I work as a team, gave him a break, and also helped me go through different movements that put my baby in the right position so my labor would continue. She is sweet and calm which is what we needed. She had many other techniques that helped us with our journey. Forever grateful!" - Amanda L.

  • "Having a doula was one of the best decisions we ever made, even though our birth story did not resemble our birth plan even a little bit.

    Having Laura Kiefer’s support before, during, and after Edith’s birth has truly been a gift from God." - Dani F.

  • "Wouldn't of wanted anyone else by our side... Forever thankful."

    - Deanna H.

  • "We had such a great birth with our doula, Laura.

    She was also the one who encouraged us it was time to leave for the birth center! Glad we listened! If you're thinking of having a doula as a part of your birth team, reach out to Laura!" - Alyssa K.

  • "Having Laura Kiefer available as a doula was an absolute game changer for me.

    Her help prenatally was tremendous but the confidence she helped instill in me was without a doubt the defining factor for my birth experience." - Jordan O.

  • "I had the honor of using Laura as my doula for [my son's] birth, and she is amazing!

    If you are pregnant now or in the future, I highly recommend Ora Doula Services!" - Emme Y.

birth doula Laura Kiefer supporting pregnant woman holding comb during water birth
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My basic birth package (2 prenatal appointments, phone & email support, in-person labor & birth support, 1 postnatal appointment) is a flat fee of $900. The Nourishing Birth Package is $1000. Discounts are available for repeat clients, clients with a history of birth trauma, and those with financial need.

I come to your home for pre/postnatal appointments because I believe the best environment to get to know each other is where you feel most comfortable. If you live over 30 minutes from my home, there is a distance fee of $50. For over 45 minutes, there is a distance fee of $75. For over 1 hour, there is a distance fee of $100.